In May of 1958, five men embarked on a mission to serve the financial needs of approximately 500 Nazarene ministers within the state of California. They pooled $135 and together organized a state-chartered credit union, which was originally called Nazarene Ministers’ Credit Union.
As their financial services increased, the credit union expanded to include laymen. The founders believed they could make a difference by providing valued financial services to the fellowship of Nazarenes. In the true spirit of compassion, they even felt they could help good people with low income obtain loans and establish credit where they would otherwise be unable. It was literally Nazarenes helping other Nazarenes.
Together, by joining resources, the principle of sowing and reaping could really flourish. Each individual was actually helping the entire membership earn more on savings, and save more on interest when making loans. Their cooperative effort could actually be summed up in the phrase: “Not for profit, not for charity, but for service.”
Thus, when you join America’s Christian Credit Union, you gain so much more than a partner for all your financial needs. You gain that, and peace of mind knowing our not-for-profit operations exist to serve the work of God.