A credit card is a revolving line of credit for purchases. Each time you swipe your credit card you access your line of credit to borrow money for the purchase. Each month you can choose to make the minimum monthly payment or pay off the entire balance. You will be charged interest on the remaining balance each month. Depending on your financial situation a credit card might be the right option for your borrowing needs. Each of our credit cards at America’s Christian Credit Union offer no annual fee and low fees.
Check out our comparison chart below to determine which credit card is right for you.
We offer three great credit cards with features ranging from cash back and rewards to giving back to Christian ministries with every swipe.2
Share-Secured Visa® | Visa® Platinum | Visa® Signature Rewards | |
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Card Limit | $1,000 - $10,000 | $1,000 - $30,000 | $5,000 - $30,000 |
Introductory Offers | For the first 6 months from card issuance:
| For the first 6 months from card issuance:
| For the first 6 months from card issuance:
Variable APR | 22.24% - 26.75% | 14.65% - 19.65% | 14.40% - 22.40% |
Annual Fees | None | None | None |
Point Rewards | Does not earn points on purchases | Does not earn points on purchases |
GiveBack Program | N/A | Portion of every purchase gives back to Christian Ministries2 | N/A |
Benefits | Build or re-build your credit with spending limit tied to funds in a savings account | Low rate with a low minimum credit line | Points redeemable for:
1 – APR = Annual Percentage Rate.
2 – Donations made by America’s Christian Credit Union.
3 – 90 day period begins from the issuance date of the credit card. Donations do not count towards purchase totals for introductory offer. Offer for consumer only.
Share-Secured Visa® Credit Card: 0% Annual Percentage Rate on new purchases within the first 6 months of opening the credit card. After that, your APR will be 22.24% to 26.75%. The APR is indexed to the Prime Rate, and may vary based on market conditions. Card issuance is contingent on approved credit, and rates offered are based on credit-worthiness. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change. Subject to credit approval. View the full disclosure for Share-Secured Visa® Credit Card to learn more.
Visa Platinum Card: 0% Annual Percentage Rate on new purchases within the first 6 months of opening the credit card. After that, your APR will be 14.65% to 19.65%. The APR is indexed to the Prime Rate, and may vary based on market conditions. Card issuance is contingent on approved credit, and rates offered are based on credit-worthiness. Applicants who do not qualify for the Visa Platinum credit card may be approved for a Share-Secured Visa credit card. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change. Offer not valid on current ACCU loans. Subject to credit approval. View the full disclosure for Visa Platinum Card to learn more.
Visa Signature Rewards Card: 0% Annual Percentage Rate on new purchases within the first 6 months of opening the credit card. After that, your APR will be 14.40% to 22.40%. The APR is indexed to the Prime Rate, and may vary based on market conditions. Card issuance is contingent on approved credit, and rates offered are based on credit-worthiness. Applicants who do not qualify for the Visa Signature Rewards Card may be approved for a Visa Platinum or Share-Secured Visa credit card. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change. Offer not valid on current ACCU loans. Subject to credit approval. View the full disclosure for Visa Signature Card to learn more.