America's Christian CU
America's Christian Credit Union

Where You Bank Matters

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
- Ecclesiastes 4:12

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The ACCU Difference

Our mission at America’s Christian Credit Union (ACCU) is to serve the whole church through both personal financial services and organizational banking for churches, ministries, Christian schools, and Christian business owners across the United States. Member’s deposits become the loans that help churches expand, ministries reach further, and families thrive.

From a member’s first savings account through retirement, we’re here to be your life-long financial partner. Join ACCU and discover banking with a financial partner who understands your faith and moves you forward. Because we are stronger together!

*Figures quoted represents America's Christian Credit Union achievements as per the end of the 2021 fiscal year dated 12/31/2021.

America's Christian Credit Union vs. Banks

OwnershipOwned by ACCU members and run by a volunteer board of directors Owned by shareholders and run by a paid board of directors
ProfitsNot for profit; excess earnings get distributed back to members in the form of profit-sharing and better interest rates For profit; excess earnings get distributed back to shareholders
Your RoleACCU members can vote on how their credit union is run Customers have no say in how their bank is run
EligibilityThere are requirements for membership; click here to learn more about eligibilityOpen; anyone can become a customer
SafetyFederal Protection up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). Added savings protection is provided by American Share Insurance (ASI) on qualifying member’s accounts in excess of that provided by NCUA. Federal Protection up to $250,000 (FDIC—Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
AccessCredit unions tend to be local and have fewer individually owned branches, but thanks to ATM network sharing you can use other credit union and convenience store ATMs free of charge often making their network larger than those the largest banks; click here to find a location near youBig banks are present in most major cities, but if you need to use another bank’s ATM, get ready to pay a higher service charge
FeesOn average, the largest credit unions have lower fees than the largest banks On average, the largest banks have higher overdraft fees and higher online monthly bill fees than the largest credit unions
SatisfactionBanks fell short of credit unions in the American Customer Satisfaction Index in 2013. Most FI’s have a Satisfaction of 45 out of 100, ACCU, personal service boasts a satisfaction score well above 85. The lowest-scoring financial institution was also the largest bank.
ATMsCredit unions have the largest surcharge-free ATM network with approximately 30,000 co-op ATMs in their network across the United States; click here to find a location near youBank of America, for example, has 16,000 ATMs across the United States.
Mobile AppYou may not think that credit unions provide the latest technology; however, most including ACCU have mobile apps comparable to those of banks making trips to the branch less of a necessity in most cases. Banks, especially the larger ones, typically offer great technology. Banking apps will support your love for on-demand banking on your smartphone.

A Brief History
  • 1958: Opened for business as “Nazarene Ministers Credit Union of California” in Whittier, CA with five men and $135. T.R. Partee served as our inaugural President.
  • 1972: Converted from a state charter to a federal charter – allowing funds to be federally insured — and changed our name to “Nazarene Federal Credit Union”
  • 1986: Mendell L. Thompson promoted to President/CEO, the 2nd in our credit union’s history
  • 2003: Changed our name to “America’s Christian Credit Union” in order to serve churches who were looking to work with a Christian financial institution, allowing us to expand beyond our Nazarene membership base
  • 2008: Celebrated our 50th Anniversary
  • 2020: Vicki VannBerstein becomes the new President/CEO of ACCU, the third in our credit union’s history, replacing Mendell Thompson


Manish Patel, Sonrise Christian School

Pastor Dennis Bachman, New Song Church

Jim Martindale, Commercial Real Estate Broker

Pastor John Cager, Ward A.M.E.

Credit Union Myths

Even though there are over 5,000 credit unions in the United States, misconceptions about their structure and services still exist:

MYTH: Credit unions are basically banks with fewer services 

  • REALITY: Credit unions offer all the same services as big banks: credit, debit, savings, loans and more. Thanks to innovations in online banking, financial institutions can be big on service—even when they’re small in size. As a member, you also own a share of your credit union and share in its success through better interest rates and fewer fees. 

MYTH: It’s harder to access your money when you bank at a credit union 

  • REALITY: Credit unions form a nationwide ATM network to increase accessibility to your finances. Online banking features and top customer service add to the convenience. Often access points to branches or ATMs are bigger than those the largest individual banks.

MYTH: Credit union deposits aren’t insured 

  • REALITY: While they don’t have the same federal insurance fund that banks have, credit union deposits have their own federal or state insurance fund to keep your money safe. Deposits at all federal credit unions and most state-chartered credit unions are covered by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). 

MYTH: It’s too hard to switch to a credit union 

  • REALITY: Making the switch from a bank to a credit union is easier than you might think. America’s Christian Credit Union even offers a switch kit, which contains all of the paperwork you need in one convenient package. Here’s an overview of how it works: 
    • Check eligibility: Click here to learn more about the eligibility requirements to join America’s Christian Credit Union 
    • Apply for membership: Click here to start your membership application 
    • Complete switch kit: Use our switch kit to help you seamlessly transition over your accounts 
    • Transfer funds: Don’t forget to update your direct deposit information, your automatic debits and your online payments 
    • Close previous account(s): Once you are sure all of your banking information has been updated, close your old account 
Helping Our Community

Unlike banks, which are driven by profits, our credit union is motivated by Paul’s words to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). Here are just a few ways we strive to support our brothers and sisters in the faith:

Returning Profits to Members

As a not-for-profit entity, ACCU is able to return any profits made to our members by:

  • Charging lower and fewer fees 
  • Paying higher dividends on savings accounts 
  • Offering lower rates on loans 

Working with Members Going through Hardships

When disaster strikes, ACCU ramps up action quickly by offering special programs to assist you during these hard times. We can act much faster than large banks and can provide greater flexibility – often on a case-by-case basis to offer unique solutions for all members like you.  

Educating Members

ACCU offers one-on-one financial counseling to help our members achieve peace of mind so they can focus on what matters most. We understand that when the individual parts of the body are strong, the whole Church is better equipped to spread Christ’s message of hope. That’s why we invest in education and services to help you thrive.

Advocating for Ministries and Small Businesses

Churches, ministries, Christian schools, and Christian-owned businesses are all powerful conduits of Jesus’ love to their respective communities. ACCU is here to support your work with the financial products and services you need to continue in the good work God has prepared for you to do.


Join ACCU Today
From a member’s first savings account through retirement, we’re here to be your life-long financial partner. Join ACCU and discover banking with a financial partner who understands your faith and moves you forward. Because we are Stronger Together!